SEO in 2022
November 15, 2021The Banning Surveillance Advertising Act
January 25, 2022As you may know, I am one of the contributors to Search Engine Journal. In addition to great search, social, and digital marketing articles, they publish comprehensive eBooks for different topics. For the last several years, they kindly asked me to be a part of the SEO trends guide book which they publish at the end of the year.
It is interesting to see how each SEO views and forecasts the work and trends in the upcoming year. I usually try to comment on it from more of a “mindset” than some specific algorithm changes or techniques. I think many SEOs focus way too much on the algorithm changes and chasing the next trend of SEO. Over the years, the SEO goals have evolved from achieving top rankings to obtaining quality traffic that converts to help grow the business. At the end of the day, if you don’t have any return of the investment from SEO projects, the budget will go to another channel. My main point is to think of a term fix or improvement that would bring long-term impact to the site and the business. Instead of Google, focus more on the internal SEO process.
You can download the SEO Trends 2022 (by 44 SEO professionals) from SEJ here: