Baidu is still dominating China’s search market. Some of the newer search engines such as 360 search, Sogou, and Shenma (mobile) are growing, but Baidu maintains the top search engine spot in China with more […]
In North America and Europe, people, especially the teenagers are moving away from Twitter and Facebook to Instagram and Snapchat. You can find a similar trend in Japan. According to Just Systems’ web services usage […]
To be successful in International Search Marketing, you must understand seasonality in your target markets. Without this knowledge, you are likely to use what works for your home market in foreign countries, and fail. Being […]
Adobe’s latest Digital Insights reported that 47% of overall Internet traffic in Japan came from smartphones in 2016. Adobe conducted the research in 12 countries. The Japan’s smartphone traffic share on Internet was the highest […]
The Rel=”Alternate” HREFlang=”xx” element is a life saver for global website owners. Especially if you have multiple sites in the same language, and that each site is targeting different country, you’ve got to implement Href […]
The interesting and unique fact about the search marketing is that 9 out of 10 times, the success, effectiveness, and efficiency of your work is up to someone else. Even the companies who do everything […]