March 31, 2017

Avoid These Hreflang Mistakes

The Rel=”Alternate” HREFlang=”xx” element is a life saver for global website owners. Especially if you have multiple sites in the same language, and that each site is targeting different country, you’ve got to implement Href […]
March 8, 2017

Corporate Structure That Prevents Success

The interesting and unique fact about the search marketing is that 9 out of 10 times, the success, effectiveness, and efficiency of your work is up to someone else. Even the companies who do everything […]
January 20, 2017

Japanese Social Media Stats

People used to refer to Japanese Social Media Networking Services (SNS) market as “Galapagos of SNS”. However, Western born SNSs have been getting a good traction in Japan in the past a few years. Social […]
December 31, 2016

Good Bye 2016

2016 was another eventful year for the search marketing and digital marketing industries. The search engines such as Google, Yandex, and Baidu continue to change the algorithms as well as their advertising products. Social media […]
October 31, 2016

International SEO & SEM – How To Find The Market

Internet brings unlimited opportunities to the businesses. You are no longer limited by the physical presence. You can conduct the business internationally, while taking care of the business locally. Expanding the target market is one […]