To be successful in International Search Marketing, you must understand seasonality in your target markets. Without this knowledge, you are likely to use what works for your home market in foreign countries, and fail. Being […]
The Rel=”Alternate” HREFlang=”xx” element is a life saver for global website owners. Especially if you have multiple sites in the same language, and that each site is targeting different country, you’ve got to implement Href […]
Asia has been a very unique market for Search Engine Marketing since the day one of SEM compare to other markets in the world as locally grown search engines have possessed the majority of the […]
Geo targeting is one of the most asked questions at the Global or International SEO sessions. Geo targeting has become one of the biggest challenges for many big websites that deal with multiple languages and […]
Effectively managing a website targeting your local market is one thing, and managing a website (or websites) targeting multiple market is definitely another. At SES NY this year, I will show some data, examples and how-to information that come from my experiences in working with clients who have multinational and global websites.