Today is the end of the Heisei era in Japan, which lasted for 30 years from 1989 to 2019. It’s an extremely significant event for Japan as the Emperor abdicated for the first time in […]
Some of the web related news from China this week. With a total number of 400 million active users as of December 2017, WeChat Mini-Programs is estimated to reach 500 million active users in Q1 […]
We hear a lot about how millennials and teenagers are accessing the Internet from their smartphones, and not using PC in the US. This trend seems to be happening in Japan, too. According to LINE’s survey results, […]
Each generation seems to have different online behaviors and habits. Many data shows that Baby-Boomers still conduct majority of online activities from PC, while younger generations are glued to their smartphones. For the past 2-3 […]
When you see everyone around you on Twitter and Facebook, you think, “Wow! Twitter and Facebook are taking over the world!” But almost every time I talk to people who are not in this industry, […]
I wrote an article “Social Media Marketing – The Japanese Way” for ClickZ earlier this month. The article received more than 300 re-tweets in 3 days (currently has 350+), and it got me thinking how […]