March 27, 2008

Google Japan changed the top page layout

Google Japan has changed the top page layout by adding tabs and links to some of their popular tools and pages. Google has been religiously keeping its simple top page with big Google logo and the search box, and Google is still keeping the same top page in all of the other countries and markets. So why Google Japan decided to make the changes?
February 17, 2008

Will Baidu gain market share in Japan?

It's been 3 weeks since Baidu officially opened its services in Japan after 10months of beta phase. While Baidu's news has been picked up by some search industry media, I haven't heard any user side feedbacks. None of my friends in Japan have tried the search at Baidu, yet. So, the question is... "Will Baidu gain market share in Japan?"
February 14, 2008

Yahoo Japan releases Yahoo Profile

2 weeks after Google released its Google Social Graph API, Yahoo Japan opened "Yahoo Profile" service. Yahoo Profile integrates Yahoo's Social Networking Service, Yahoo Days' profile pages and Open ID user profiles.
February 1, 2008

MSN wants to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion

Microsoft announced it's offer to acquire Yahoo for $31/share, which is more than 60% higher than Yahoo's current traded price. Yahoo shows their willingness to consider the offer. If MSN and Yahoo come to the agreement, we may see new search engine-portal site later this year.
January 3, 2008

Yahoo Japan’s face lift for the New Year

Yahoo Japan entered 2008 with a new home page, which has no category list. Though it has a search box right below the Yahoo Japan logo, it looks that Yahoo Japan is shifting to be more as a portal site than as a search site.
October 29, 2007

Domains for Japanese Web Sites

Which domain is better for Japanese web sites compared to other domains? Do search engines give preference to particular domains in search results? Here's what you need to know about domains and Japanese search engines.