March 29, 2018

Japanese SEO – What Are The Differences?

When we talk about the International SEO, often times, we do that under the assumption of everyone having the basic SEO knowledge and skill sets. People seem to feel more comfortable working on the European […]
November 22, 2010

Yahoo is showing more results from Google

Yahoo Japan's search results is now identical to Google's in many cases if you use Chrome browser. In other words, depending on which browser you use, you get different search results in Yahoo Japan right now.
February 26, 2010

XML Site Map – Good or Bad?

The use of XML sitemap is always discussed at the search marketing conference. Should you use XML file or not? It may not help you with what you want it to do, but still could help you in other ways.
December 7, 2009

What do you want Google to bring you for Christmas?

I had a short interview yesterday, and the question was "What do you want Google to bring for Christmas?" My answer was "easier algorithms". OK, maybe "easy" wasn't the right word, I should've said something like "standardized" or even "fare" and this is my thought behind this answer.
December 5, 2009

How to Create Rich Snippet for Google Japan

Rich Snippets was just rolled-out in Japan, which is the second market to use this feature. August and December are 2 of the biggest gift giving months in Japan, and this new feature came out just in time to help those holiday shoppers.
March 5, 2009

Key points in launching a Global website

Ad more companies developing global websites, they are facing new and often times unexpected challenges in launching and managing the websites. There are some key points in launching a global website that makes you better ready for it. Also, read my interview about the topic and come to my session at SES NY on March 24.