December 16, 2022

Translation and Localization Impact on SEO

Why Translation Tools Don’t Work Well With The Japanese Language In most cases, foreign companies’ websites for the Japanese market are based on their English (or parent) site content. While the text may be in […]
November 15, 2022

What Is Good Content

All SEO knows that having good content is important. According to Google, “Google’s Automated Ranking Systems are designed to present helpful, reliable information that’s primarily created to benefit people, not to gain search engine rankings, in […]
October 28, 2022

Yahoo! Japan’s Core Web Vitals Project

This may surprise you but Google is Yahoo! Japan’s one of the top traffic generators. For the last 2 years, Yahoo! Japan has been working to improve their websites’ Core Web Vitals scores just like […]
September 10, 2022

Zen-G Social Media Usage in Japan

The social media landscape has been changing quite drastically over the years. From Twitter to Facebook to Instagram, people have been jumping from one to the next. While Facebook is still popular, the user profile […]
August 26, 2022

Using # (Hashtag) for Keyword Research

Over the years, how search marketers view and treat keywords have changed. While some are still trying to “game” the keywords, most of us are focusing more to create content that provides benefits to the […]
July 16, 2022

Understanding Organic Search Data

A lot of things have changed since I wrote an article about how to read the Organic Search Traffic Data for ClickZ/Search Engine Watch back in April 2011. Back then, a free version of the […]