October 14, 2009

Online advertising grew while Mass media went down

METI report shows the advertising industry in Japan continue to decline in sales. While 4 of the mass media such as TV and newspaper had 2 digit loss compare to the sales in the same month last year, Internet advertising had a slight growth in August 2009.
September 30, 2009

Do you want new Japanese ccTLDs?

ICANN announced its plan to begin offering TLDs in different letters and characters other than Alphabet in 2010. The plan includes Japanese characters, which makes domains such as ".Japan" and ".Tokyo".
September 25, 2009

Shoppaholic? Smart Chinese women shop online

You can buy just about anything you want in Beijing, but most Western brand products cost at least 2 times more. It looks that smart Chinese women are shopping online to save money, and to spend more.