September 24, 2020

Constant Morph of Japanese Words

No matter what the language is, it has changed over time and is still changing. You can say that especially with the Japanese language. The speed of change differs depending of the word (or the […]
July 28, 2020

Pandemic Impact on Japanese Shoppers

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are making more purchases online, which is understandable. The interesting fact is that Japanese shoppers have been purchasing more items online while reducing the browsing times, according to Nielsen […]
June 26, 2020

Paid Search Webinar

In May, I participated the paid search virtual conference, PSAC20, held by the Paid Search Association. It was a well received event by the audiences from around the world. Perhaps, that’s one good thing about […]
May 31, 2020

Adopting New Search Trends

What people search, the search trends, change all the time. Usually, the change is gradual, but it could change rapidly and drastically when there are some reasons that impact a group of people at once. […]
May 6, 2020

Enter The Search Awards

The times are definitely tough this year for many businesses. The good news is that there are more Search Awards opportunities for you to choose from. I’m on a judge’s panel for several search awards […]