August 11, 2010

International Internet Data and Stats

I wrote an article “Social Media Marketing – The Japanese Way” for ClickZ earlier this month. The article received more than 300 re-tweets in 3 days (currently has 350+), and it got me thinking how […]
June 6, 2010

Yahoo Japan, still the top search site in Japan

Yahoo Search (Japan) had 2,609 mil search queries during the month of April, which made them the number 1 search site in Japan. According to the report by NetRatings ( “Search Service Usage Report” (the […]
March 17, 2010

Global SEO Management and Global Site Clinic

One of the biggest search industry conferences, Search Engine Strategies New York will be held next week (March 23-25), and this year, I will be speaking at 2 sessions: – Managing a Global SEO Campaign […]