December 8, 2009

State of Search – Japan

My presentation about the state of search Japan from International Search Summit in London. I talked about the market size, e-commerce size, web search, mobile search, social media, etc. The additional information provided.
December 7, 2009

What do you want Google to bring you for Christmas?

I had a short interview yesterday, and the question was "What do you want Google to bring for Christmas?" My answer was "easier algorithms". OK, maybe "easy" wasn't the right word, I should've said something like "standardized" or even "fare" and this is my thought behind this answer.
December 5, 2009

How to Create Rich Snippet for Google Japan

Rich Snippets was just rolled-out in Japan, which is the second market to use this feature. August and December are 2 of the biggest gift giving months in Japan, and this new feature came out just in time to help those holiday shoppers.
November 30, 2009

How Search Marketing Can Be Used to Build Overseas Trade

The global markets offer rich pickings for many US firms who haven't yet dipped a toe in the water! This panel will explain how to identify export opportunities using keyword research and how to exploit them using either search engine optimization or pay per click.
October 22, 2009

Japanese Mobile Social Media – Find your best match

All top mobile social sites in Japan are doing well, and attracting more advertisers. You may think that you should be at both places to get the most exposures. But, you may not have a luxury of advertising everywhere you want to be. See the data here to make the smart decision.